Wednesday, 28 January 2015


the peace's bellow are what I found on instructables this web site shows you how to make the peace's bellow they show you how they did it step by step to make the costume and on some they even give you the prices of the peace's they used to make it and they tell you were to get it I like this website due to its Meany peace's and the way they make it so that you can do it your self really helps in my own work like the blue beetle costume I worked on before coming to UNI.
there are Meany ways and different ways on making costumes and this site shows you how to use these techniques some being more time consuming are more complicated but applying what these people show you to you're own work really helps.
I chose these three because of the divers but simplistic parts that make recreating these easier and faster but there are more complicated costumes that I will put up at a later date.   
if you wish to try and make these for yourself are just see the techniques that they used I've put the links for any one that is interested


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